Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nuclear Medicine Services and Tech

When it comes to supplying your medical office, hospital, or medical center, some of the orders are easy to fill. Cotton swabs, hypodermic needles, tinctures, tongue depressors, and medications can be easily ordered, stocked and inventoried. Other items in a medical institution can be a little more difficult to research, order, and service. For example, the gargantuan machines that are used in nuclear medicine and medical imaging.

These titanic machines can way several tons, and cost upwards of several million dollars. Servicing these machines can be a chore as well, as these machines require engineers and servicemen who are trained in not only handling medical machinery, but is familiar with nuclear physics and magnetics as well.

If your medical center is still sending patients to outside locations instead of in-house imaging, now is the time to explore the easy options available for implementing in-house medical imaging equipment. Southwestern Imaging are professional, reliable, and have the expertise to help you find the imaging solution that perfectly matches your needs.