Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Many Instruments Used During Surgery

All surgical tools are made to serve a specific purpose, each has a duty during surgery where they assist doctors in performing strategic operations. These instruments may be used to reach hidden places that need to be seen or they may be used to alter skin, flesh and organs. Surgery is always slightly unpredictable because there is always a change of finding something unexpected once a person is on the operating table. Visit this link, for more ideas.

Certain instruments are used frequently, if not for all surgeries, and therefore are sterilized and waiting to be used in the operating room at all times. Those instruments used in nearly every surgery include but are not limited to: forceps, rulers, calipers, and more. There also exists surgical equipment that is used on a more infrequent basis. Instruments not used every day get to scrub in on the not-so-commonly-seen varieties of surgery.

This may be scary to picture, but surgical tools have actually existed for thousands of years. The medical field would not be the booming industry that is it today without the aid of these sophisticated tools. It may surprise some to know that we're on the cusp of new surgical tool inventions every single day. More lives are being saved today than ever before with the assistance that these tools provide. Before certain instruments existed, some surgeries were impossible for doctors to perform successfully. Find out more information about medical devices.

How Do Surgical Instruments Get Their Names?

Usually, surgical instruments are named for the person who designed them or the task they accomplish. Case in point, when someone cannot breathe or there is something obstructing the airway, a tracheotome is used to let air access the trachea.

You've likely heard of forceps, but may not know what they do. Forceps are used to gain a tight grasp on things. Sometimes people call them tongs because they look much like something you'd use to serve salad at dinner time. Sometimes an object or organ needs to be gripped tightly and forceps do this without slipping, whereas hands often would.

The Infamous Scalpel

Scalpels are used to make precise cuts in the flesh. They're generally very small and sharp. On the blade of the scalpel ever gets replaced. Nine times out of ten, the blade on the scalpel a doctor is using is a lancet style.

Okay, So What's a Distractor?

Distractors hold certain body parts or areas in place while it or other areas of the body are being operated on.

And Now, the Retractor

During surgery, it is sometimes necessary to maneuver the body in specific ways to access what you are operating on, retractors are the tools use to isolate certain areas of the body from each other. Separating parts of a body cavity isn't the end; generally, mechanical cutting devices like the scalpel, once again, or a drill bit will be used for further incising. For more details about storz instruments, follow the link.
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